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The People’s Advocate Institution is member of:


Association of Ombudsmen and Mediators of La Francophonie (AOMF)

AOMF is a nonprofit association and has the primary mission of promoting knowledge of the role of the ombudsman and mediator in the French-speaking space and to encourage the development of independent institutions of mediation in the French-speaking space.

Since 2009, Mr. Marc Fischbach, the Mediator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is the president of the AOMF.

The People’s Advocate Institution is a voting right member.


European Ombudsman Institute (EOI)

The EOI is an association with the seat in Innsbruck, Austria, having a scientific, independent and nonprofit character, aiming to: deal in a scientific manner issues relating to human rights, civil rights protection and ombudsman activities; provide scientific support to local, regional, national and international ombudsman institutions; cooperate with local, regional national and international institutions sharing the same or similar goals; promote the exchange of experience on a national, European and international level etc.

Mrs. Burgi Volgger, Ombudsman for South Tyrol is the president of the EOI.

The People’s Advocate Institution is institutional member since 1998.


International Ombudsman Institute (IOI)

The International Ombudsman Institute established in 1978, is the only global organization for the cooperation of more than 150 Ombudsman institutions. In addition to its periodic conferences the I.O.I. fosters regional and international information exchange. The International Ombudsman Institute is organized in regional chapters in Africa, Asia, Australasia & Pacific, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America, and North America.

Mrs. Beverley Wakem, Ombudsman of New Zealand is the president of the IOI.

The People’s Advocate Institution is institutional member since 1998.


European Network of Ombudsmen

The European Network of Ombudsmen consists of over 90 offices in 32 European countries. The Network includes the national and regional ombudsmen and similar bodies of the Member States of the European Union, the candidate countries for EU membership, and certain other European countries, as well as the European Ombudsman and the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. The national ombudsmen and similar bodies in the Network have each appointed a liaison officer to act as a point of contact for other members of the Network.

The Network was established in 1996 and has steadily developed into a powerful collaboration tool for ombudsmen and their staff, serving as an effective mechanism for co-operation on case handling. It is of particular importance to the European Ombudsman to enable him to deal promptly and effectively with complaints that fall outside his mandate. Experiences and best practice are shared via seminars and meetings, a regular newsletter, an electronic discussion forum and a daily electronic news service. Visits of the European Ombudsman organized by the ombudsmen in the Member States and accession countries have also proved highly effective in developing the Network.


South East European Children’s Ombudspersons’ Network  - CRONSEE


CRONSEE is an informal network of independent children’s rights institutions, established and operating at national, regional or local levels in the countries of South East Europe.

The aim of CRONSEE is to contribute to the protection and promotion of children’s rights at local, national and international levels, by facilitating the exchange and dissemination of information, the collaboration and empowerment of its members, and by producing and publishing joint statements relating to children’s rights. 

CRONSEE operates through annual conferences (general assemblies), topical meetings, working groups and other forms of communication decided by its Members.

The People’s Advocate Institution is member since 2009.


International programs attended by the People’s Advocate Institution:

ECRI program – European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance

“The non-discriminatory legislation for national minorities” program

“Rule of Law in South-Eastern Europe” – program inaugurated by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation; dialogue program for debates and experience exchange on issues related to the rule of law in countries form South-East Europe.

Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces - DCAF



Territorial Offices